


  • 診療放射線学部診療放射線学科/大学院診療放射線学研究科


  • 准教授



  • 放射線治療機器学
  • 放射線治療技術学実験
  • 放射線治療技術学実習
  • 保健医療チーム連携論Ⅱ(実習)
  • 診療放射線学研究Ⅰ
  • 診療放射線学研究Ⅱ
  • 放射線治療技術学実習Ⅰ



  • 原子核物理学特論
  • 放射線治療学特論
  • 医学物理学特論 Ⅰ
  • 医学物理学特論 Ⅴ
  • 診療放射線学特別研究


  • 放射線治療技術学
  • 放射線治療物理学
  • 医学物理学


  • X線治療および粒子線治療の線量評価に関する研究
  • 放射線治療ビームに対するモンテカルロシミュレーション
  • BNCTの線量評価
  • 生物学的線量評価に関する研究



  • Isomura T, Kamizawa S, Takada K, Mori Y, Sakae T. Real-time measurement of two-dimensional LET distributions of proton beams using scintillators. Physics in Medicine & Biology 69: 215017, 2024
  • Sakae T, Takada K, Kamizawa S, Terunuma T, Ando K. Formulation of Time-Dependent Cell Survival with Saturable Repairability of Radiation Damage. Radiation Research? 200:139-150, 2023
  • Sato T, Hashimoto S, Inaniwa T, Takada K, Kumada H. Implementation of simplified stochastic microdosimetric kinetic models into PHITS for application to radiation treatment planning. International Journal of Radiation Biology 97: 1450-1460, 2021
  • Takada K, Kumada H, Matsumura A, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Computational evaluation of dose distribution for BNCT treatment combined with X-ray therapy or proton beam therapy. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 165: 109295, 2020
  • Kumada H, Takada K, Aihara T, Matsumura A, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Verification for dose estimation performance of a Monte-Carlo based treatment planning system in University of Tsukuba. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 166: 109222, 2020
  • Kumada H, Takada K, Tanaka S, Matsumoto Y, Naito F, Kurihara T, Sugimura T, Sato M, Matsumura A, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Evaluation of the characteristics of the neutron beam of a linac-based neutron source for boron neutron capture therapy. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 165: 109246, 2020
  • Kumada H, Takada K, Terunuma T, Aihara T, Matsumura A, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Monitoring patient movement with boron neutron capture therapy and motion capture technology. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 163: 109208, 2020.
  • Takada K, Sato T, Kumada H, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Evaluation of RBE-weighted doses for various radiotherapy beams based on a microdosimetric function implemented in PHITS. Journal of Physics: Conf Ser 1662: 012004, 2020
  • Kumada H, Takada K, Sato T, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Multimodal Monte Carlo treatment system capable of microdosimetry with PHITS. Journal of Physics: Conf Ser 1662: 012020, 2020
  • Kobayashi D, Isobe T, Takada K, Mori Y, Takei H, Kumada H, Kamizawa S, Tomita T, Sato E, Yokota H, Sakae T. Establishment of a new three-dimensional dose evaluation method considering variable relative biological effectiveness and dose fractionation in proton therapy combined with high-dose-rate brachytherapy. Journal of Medical Physics 44: 270-275, 2019
  • Koketsu J, Kumada H, Takada K, Takei H, Mori Y, Kamizawa S, Hu Y, Sakurai H, Sakae T. 3D‐printable lung phantom for distal falloff verification of proton Bragg peak. Journal of Applied Medical Physics 20: 86-94, 2019
  • Onishi T, Kumada H, Takada K, Naito F, Kurihara T, Sakae T. Investigation of the neutron spectrum measurement method for dose evaluation in boron neutron capture therapy. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 140: 5-11, 2018
  • Kumada H, Takada K. Treatment planning system and patient positioning for boron neutron capture therapy. Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2: 50, 2018
  • Kumada H, Naito F, Hasegawa K, Kobayashi H, Kurihara T, Takada K, Onishi T, Sakurai H, Matsumura A, Sakae T. Development of LINAC-Based Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in University of Tsukuba. Plasma and Fusion Research 13: 2406006, 2018
  • Takada K, Sato T, Kumada H, Kouketsu J, Takei H, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Validation of the physical and RBE-weighted dose estimator based on PHITS coupled with microdosimetric kinetic model for proton therapy. J Radiat Res. 59: 91-99, 2018
  • Kumada H, Takada K, Sakurai Y, Suzuki M, Takata T, Sakurai H, Matsumura A, Sakae T. DEVELOPMENT OF A MULTIMODAL MONTE CARLO BASED TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 180: 286-290, 2018
  • Masuda A, Matsumoto T, Takada K, Onishi T, Kotaki K, Sugimoto H, Kumada H, Harano H, Sakae T. Neutron spectral fluence measurements using a Bonner sphere spectrometer in the development of the iBNCT accelerator-based neutron source. Appl Radiat Isotopes 127: 47-51, 2017
  • Takada K, Kumada H, Liem PH, Sakurai H, Sakae T. Development of Monte Carlo based real-time treatment planning system with fast calculation algorithm for boron neutron capture therapy. Phys Med 32: 1846-51, 2016
  • Kumada H, Takada K, Yamanashi K, Sakae T, Matsumura A, Sakurai H. Verification of nuclear data for the Tsukuba Plan, a newly developed treatment planning system for boron neutron capture therapy. Appl Radiat Isotopes 106: 111-5, 2015
  • Takada K, Kumada H, Isobe T, Terunuma T, Kamizawa S, Sakurai H, Sakae T, Matsumura A. Whole-body dose evaluation with an adaptive treatment planning system for boron neutron capture therapy. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 167: 584-90, 2015


  • 放射線健康リスク科学:第3章 放射線の医学利用, 金原出版株式会社, 2023年
  • 臨床放射線:粒子線治療と技術開発の現状:陽子線の線量分布, 金原出版株式会社, 2023年
  • 放射線治療基礎知識図解ノート第2版:第6章, 第8章, 第12章, 金原出版株式会社, 2021年
  • Proton Beam Radiotherapy. PartⅡ Qualitative Comparison of Proton Beams and Other Radiotherapy Beams. Springer Nature, 2020
  • 医学物理学教科書シリーズ放射線物理学:第3章, 国際文献社, 2019年
  • 医学物理士精選問題集初版:放射線計測学, 一般財団法人 日本医学物理士会, 2019年
  • 第3版 若葉マークの画像解剖学:第6章, 第10章, メジカルビュー社, 2019年



?2015年3月:筑波大学大学院博士課程 人間総合科学研究科 疾患制御医学専攻修了






?筑波大学附属病院 放射線部

?筑波大学医学医療系 助教

?筑波大学附属病院 陽子線医学利用研究センター 病院講師

?筑波大学医学医療系 助教



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